To: Chairpersons - Campus Development Groups of the Foundation of the International School of Geneva 

From: Chairman - Governing Board ISG   

Thank you for your letter today regarding the follow-up of the Extraordinary  CGA last week. I distributed this to the board who were greatly encouraged  by your offer to assist in the process to move forward.  For your information, the Governing Board has taken the following decisions tonight:  

1. Confirmed the intention to build a school facility on the Saconay site .

2. Revisited Decision 279-D2 and rescinded the decision in principle for an exclusively senior school campus at Saconay  
3 Agreed that the architectural competition will continue and be judged according to the current conditions and that the Foundation will work with the winning architect to modify his/her design to suit the revised requirements as necessary. 
4. The Board wishes to entrust the CDGs, under the aegis of the DG, to review their own campus needs, structure and size in the medium and longer term, in particular as regards overcrowding. The Board asks the CDGs and Foundation Management to form a working group, chaired by the Director General, representing the different constituents of the three campuses, to formulate an overall proposal for the composition and size of the three existing campuses and the new fourth campus by 16 Feb. Following this, a final recommendation will be developed by the board by 9 Mar for presentation at an Extraordinary CGA to be convened by the board during the week of 12 March 2001 and before the vote on the structure of the new campus
by the Governing Board on 20 March 2001 


Ron Forrest


"The board approved engaging Jean-Jacques Streuli as "coordinateur des projets de construction de la Fondation" or "Capital Projects Officer". It is a part time post (25%), reporting to the Director General under a one year renewable employment contract.   This decision was incorporated in two separate agenda items - the first being the approval of an overall management structure for the Foundation proposed by Dr. Billingsley and the second under an individual agenda item specifically concerning the role of M. Streuli"