Response to Letter from Marsh.


Thank you for your letter. Your points will be answered in full at the CGA together with others. However, I can reply briefly to most of them now.

1.The Board has not made a final decision.

2.Its final decision could well be different to its "Decision in Principle" and will depend on the input from the consultation process put in action at the last Board meeting via the CDG's and at the CGA.

3. Grand Sacconnex replies to most of the criteria set out by the Expansion task force. The fact that it could also be a gift from the state of Geneva is obviosly also a big plus.

4.Either of the three suggested Campuses could be built at Saconay.

5. It was decided at the last Board Meeting to only make a "Decision inPrinciple" in order to allow a consultation process via the CDG's as mentioned above. Therefore it is not true that the Board did not intend to consult.

Hope this replies to some of your points.
