Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 1

Members of the Board,

I believe that the arguments against the 'decision in principle' to remove grades 10-13 from La Chat and LGB and to form a single 'high school' at Grand Sacconex have been amply and coherently argued by many.

The Board has already solicited and received input from formal bodies such as the Education Committee, the Foundation Administrative Council and the La Chat Campus Development Group. All three groups have argued strongly against the decision. The teaching staff of La Chat had a meeting at which they expressed their almost unanimous opposition to the idea; they have since prepared a paper detailing the pedagogical arguments why removing the senior grades from La Chat would be a fundamental mistake and against the interests of successful learning and teaching. More recently, the La Chat PTA met, responded to the majority opinion expressed by its members and compiled detailed and carefully researched arguments on the logistical difficulties as well as the social and 'human' reasons that make the proposal undesirable.

As I am sure you know, these last three papers have been distributed throughout the school community to ensure that as many as possible understand and are informed about the issues under discussion.

While I welcome the opportunity to examine in detail the pros and cons of school structure throughout the Foundation, I very much regret that this issue is distracting from so much other important work that is going on in our school, and is indeed draining scarce resources much needed in other areas. As things stand at the moment, the Consultative General Assembly planned for the end of the month is essential to allow the various structure options for the new campus to be explained and discussed but, inevitably, attention is bound to focus on the 10-13 proposal. I fear also that in the process much anger and frustration may be expressed - sentiments that can only cause damage and will further distract from more important issues. 

The arguments against removing the higher grades from La Chat and LGB have been convincingly expressed, and are upheld by both the formal advisory bodies within the school, and the community at large. I therefore urge the Board to listen to the advice and opinions it has solicited and respond to the community it represents.

I believe that the way to do this is to acknowledge as soon as possible that the 'decision in principle' to build a 10-13 campus at Grand Sacconnex should be withdrawn and rejected. The CGA on 28 November could then be devoted in a true spirit of cooperation to discussing the two other options - either a 1-13 campus or a 6-13 campus. This would bring to a swift end the anger and recriminations which are building up in too many parts of our community and would allow us all to get on with the most important challenge facing us both now and in the future - providing a positive, nurturing and creative environment in which our children can develop and learn to their full potential.

I very much hope that you will consider this proposal seriously and I look forward to your response,

Jan Powell

(parent of three children in La Chat secondary and Mies Campus primary, CDG Secondary ELP Parent Representative)