From: DJAFERIS Philip
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 15:31
To: 'Sally Troup'; 'Michel Bloch'; 'Chantal Maillard'; 'Nina Stanga'; 'Gus
Ritson'; 'Miriam Maluwa'; 'Beatrice Hoesli'; 'Betty Gagliardi'; 'Sylvie
Drabek'; 'Michel Chinal'; 'Nick Bulloch'; 'Marlene Buckler'; 'Laura Blank';
'Chris Binge'; 'Stephanie Aranda'; ADELMAN Carolyn; 'Alan Roberts'; 'Sarah
Edwards'; ''; 'Aleid Qaqaya'; 'Lyse Guay'; 'Nancy
Peterson'; 'Audrey Barchha'; ''; 'Alison Sellar'
Subject: Extraordinary CGA

Dear all,

you are all aware of the decision soon to be taken by the Board establishing
a new campus at Grand Saconnex (or Saconay, as the Board likes calling
it...- apparently this is the medieval spelling of the place name)

The PTA and teaching staff have organised a petition to call an
Extraordinary Consultative General Assembly prior to any plans for the new
campus being finalised. This petition with an initial batch of some 270
signatures was mailed to Ron Forrest today.

I have been in contact with John Boggs and it appears that the BoG will take
a decision 'in principle' next week to issue an official notice of their
intent to construct a school building based on the concept of a 'terminal
campus' i.e. for classes 10-13 of the entire foundation.

Despite his assurances that plans for the school building could be
subsequently changed I expressed to him my serious concern that this will
give the impression of a fait accompli without proper prior consultation
with the teaching and parent body. We are the stake holders in the
foundation and require to be consulted properly.

John Boggs has now advised me that he has discussed the issue with Ron
Forrest and Mr. Billingsley and they have decided not to wait for our letter
to arrive and are now making plans to organise an Extraordinary CGA for
Tuesday evening, 28 November. They hope to have the venue arranged later
this week so that a letter can be provided to announce the meeting when
everyone returns on Monday after the holiday. This gives over a month of
advance notice so that people can plan ahead.

Please spread the news of the planned meeting to be sure that everyone knows
that the Board "...are interested in responding to the concerns of our
community" (J. Bogg's words)

The PTA meeting planned for 24 October should go ahead as planned. At that
time I will also be in a position to advise you the recommendations of the
CDG (Campus Development Group) which will be meeting on the 23rd.

I hope you have been enjoying the break and look forward to seeing you all
next week.
