November 2, 2000


Dear Parents, Teachers, and Alumni,

This letter is to convey our appreciation to the parents, teachers, and Alumni, who petitioned the Governing Board to convene a Extraordinary Consultative General Assembly. Over 700 signatures were obtained and, as you are, aware, the Board have acceded to our request and additionally provided some very basic information on the envisioned project.

The PTA has been in contact with Board Members and the CDG in order to obtain as many facts as possible leading to the Boards decision "in principle" to create a grade 10-13 campus at Grand Saconnex. The establishment of this campus in September 2003 would involve the loss of senior classes at both La Châtaigneraie and La Grande Boissière campuses.

We would like to give the entire school community an early opportunity to share concerns and provide constructive input and pose questions that will be put to the Board during the Extraordinary Consultative General Assembly on Tuesday 28th of November. (Webmaster's note: To be held at United Nations 28 Nov 19:30 Reference VenueFor28Nov.htm


All are invited to attend a meeting on Tuesday 14th of November at 7:30p.m. Primary Assembly Hall. We wish to emphasize that the objective judgment and expertise of all is much appreciated even though you may not be directly affected.

The PTA is preparing a documentation with information and implications related to a grade 10-13 campus located in Grand Saconnex.

If you are unable to attend the meeting on the 14th of November, it is nevertheless absolutely indispensable that you are at the CGA on the 28th of November. The future direction of the School and, by implication, the future of your children and generations to come is at stake.

 For the signatories :


Philip Djaferis

President of the PTA

P.S - Several documents are available for viewing on:


- You may send comments to the PTA at:



cc M. Michel Chinal, Mr. Cris Binge, Mr. Allan Roberts.