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16 December 1997

Excerpt only

"The Campus Development Group has been dealing with issues concerning the Primary School...

The limitations of the Primary School building were also discussed, together with proposals for new sports facilities for the campus and a new library/media centre for the Secondary School.  for the Primary School it has been proposed that a third floor be added to the present building to add 6 classrooms to meet the needs of the present enrolment.  This will allow us to get rid of the present temporary classrooms and provide the much needed spaces for our present classes."

11 May 1999 Letter to Parents from La Chat principals, Chinal, Binge, Roberts,"Excerpt only"

"The Board of Governors is mindful of the school's Charter, which promises to serve the international and local communities.  They have decided that we must react to this increase in demand for international education.  Obviously the long-term solution is to build a new campus and we are actively engaged in looking for available land in the vicinity of the school.  The board has also decided that we must do something to ease the problem in the short term as well.  This will involve a temporary expansion of the number of students on the campus, with the understanding that those numbers will reduce again as soon as the new campus is built.

The board has also agreed to invest in improving the facilities that we have on campus in a variety of ways.  A new multi-media centre, to replace the current library will be built above the current Science block.  This will commence as soon as the plans are accepted.  Major renovation and enlargement of the sports facilities will commence in July 2000.  This will include a cover for the swimming pool.   Additional storage space for the sports equipment will be constructed during this summer.  In line with the strategic plan, extra provision for learning support has also been agreed.

The Primary school will also be growing in September.  After three years of extreme pressure on enrolment we have decided to open new classes in the English and the French programme.  There will be two combined classes in the French programme where two age groups are taught a common programme.  We will avoid teaching two different programmes in the same room.  This type of organisation has proved to be extremely beneficial.  We will be re.....

The accommodation for these classes will be in temporary classrooms either adjacent to or nearby La Chataigneraie.  We will be providing temporary Library, Sports, Music and Art facilities in order to ensure that we have the same quality of provision in all classes of the school.

The Foundation has accepted the principle that this is the first step towards the establishment of a new Primary building for La Chataigneraie which will be realized in as short a time as possible....."

31 May 1999 Excerpt from PTA minutes


Chris Binge & Michel Chinal:

Chris spoke also on behalf of Michel who was absent.

It had been a very busy period with planning for expansion. A public meeting had been announced by the BoG for the 10th of June at 8PM the Penta (Forum Park) Hotel in Geneva. A letter would be going out to parents. Alan, Michel and Chris were expected to make statements at that meeting.

Chris explained the logic and rationale of expansion and priorities for admitting new children to the foundation schools. Priority is always given to children who already have siblings at the school and also to children coming from Pregny and the Geneva English School. The extent of the increase in student numbers was 9%. Pressures had to be responded to and there was no other alternative at this time.

Also addressed were overcrowding of the Library, Sports facilities, the Cafeteria. An additional study area for secondary students, which could also be used for, pick-nicks at lunch.

A ‘ bubble-roof’ was being placed over current open-air sports facilities (Tennis and basket Ball courts). This would increase by 50% the available covered space for sports. .

Alan Roberts:

- The Primary concert went very well.

- Effect of changes on Primary planned for next term will mean that for classes 1, 2 ,3 and 4 hot lunch will be served to them in the Primary assembly hall instead of the Cafeteria - this would probably be an improvement to the current situation in the Cafeteria which is overcrowded.

The new building in Mies will cover classes 2, 3, 5, 6 (English) and 2, 3, 4, 5 (English/French). The classrooms at this annex are very adequate and comments have been very positive.

- Staffing is going well with sufficient high quality candidates under consideration. Enrollment is mostly from waiting lists and none from ‘Procter & Gamble’.

- It is intended that this will be a stopgap solution for a 3 year period until regrouping at school of about 500 can be organised. At that time it is envisaged that the current Primary facility will be taken over by Secondary.

10 June 1999

Foundation Meeting Thursday 10th June 1999 at the Penta Hotel forum Centre, Ave. Louis Casai, (near the airport) addressed the foundation's plans for expansion of La Chataigneraie, LGB and Pregny/Rigot.  Minutes?

21 September 1999 PTA Minutes Excerpts

Michel Chinal:

Had a good start to the year. Classes 7.8 and 9 had been to Toulouse and class 10 to Tuscany (Florence and Pisa).

Maturité Federal exams were in progress and would run to the end of September. Some of the 12th year class results were excellent with some students attaining 30 points out of 30. The average was the highest of the past few years.

The campus had seen a lot of changes and many new students had been accepted. Apart from the Mies campus there was additional covered space created at La Chât, a pre-fabricated block had been raised for extra classroom capacity but also for labs. There was an additional ‘salle polyvalente’ created which would be used partly as an infirmary, 12-13th year students would use it as a study room plus other uses. The ‘ bubble’ over the open basket ball courts has created an additional 800 m2 of covered sports space, additionally a covered storage area of about 60 m2 for sports equipment was planned.

The Mies Campus had been leased for a three-year period therefore solutions are being sought for the period thereafter.

Chris Binge:

ELP IB exam results were very good and significantly better than expected. Nearly all students gained a place at a university of their choice. IGCSE results had also been very good.

There was significant expansion and many more new staff - a total of 37 including those at the Mies Campus. Student numbers had increased by 56 although 96 had been budgeted for. Grades 7 and 10 still had space available but most other grades had waiting lists. Total student numbers on the campus were just over 1100.

The various field weeks had gone very well and there was a growing number of old students accompanying the groups.

25 October 1999 PTA meeting

"The principals reported on a report from the Task Force for Future Campus who are looking for land or buildings between Nyon and Geneva.  Two solutions are being proposed.  One is two separate parcels at 20,000m2 each housing 450 students the other is one large parcel at 40,000m2 housing 900 students."

19 June 2000


Lundi 19 juin 2000

Dossier:APA 17022


Lieu: route des Morillons

Object: anénagement d'un pavillon scolaire provisoire (8classes) parking

See Issues, Open Letters

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