Issues Concerning the
School Community Referendum
of June, 2002

Referendum Irregularities:

  • Procter & Gamble Internal Memorandum 2002-05-10
  • Resignation Letter (1) (English/français) 2002/05/22
  • Internal Governing Board email 2002-05-29
  • Resignation Letter (2) 2002/06/03
  • Letter Regarding Referendum Irregularities (English/français) 2002/06/10
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  • Extraordinary Consultative General Assembly - November 2000

  • Extraordinary Consultative General Assembly - March 2002

    Procter & Gamble Internal Memorandum - 2002-05-10

    PMInternational School. Elections - You have an important role to play

    Luigi Pierleoni-L
    HR Director Geneva Site
    Starnet: *-335-6393
    Direct Dial: 0041 22 709 6393
    05/10/2002 01:03 PM
    To:Luigi Pierleoni-L/PGI@PGI
    Subject: International School Elections - You have an important role to play

    Dear all, as you know the International School is undergoing significant time of change. Better definition of its future structure, of the quality of the education to be provided, of the expansion that is needed to accomodate the increasing enrollement. The body that leads this change is the Board of Governors. The ISG is running elections to select 3 candidates that will sit on the Board as of next year.
    I am writing this note to draw your attention on 2 facts.

    1) Each of us needs to be sure s/he votes and that the best candidates are elected. This is so important to ensure the needs of our children are managed in a professional and caring way. There is often a low response rate to the ballots that are sent home to each parent for the elections. It is important for each parent to take the time and the responsibility to participate in the school life with the vote. It is important because it can influence the way the school will be managed in the near.future. If you still need to vote and you cannot find anymore the ballots sent to your home please let me know. We will make some of them available at the Human Reasources Department (Fauzia Kidwai). PLEASE CONSIDER THAT THE DEADLINE FOR THE VOTE IS NEXT TUESDAY MAY 14, SO IMMEDIATE ACTION IS NEEDED.

    2) Being part of the Board already (I was elected 2 years ago) I know the background of the school, the key causes of the climate in the various campuses school and its needs. For this reason I have taken the initiative to evaluate the different candidates as a parent and as a Board member. I have based my evaluation on the specific value each candidate would bring to the Board and how their contribution would fit the very challenging plans that the Board has in front of it. In this critical moment it is important for the School to have a productive climate in the Board and a united group able to make the right decisions in the interest of the children. At the end of this exercise I would like to invite you to vote for the following 3 candidates:

    Philip BIBER        Eugenio BOTTAI        Atalanti MOQUETTE

    Please accept this as a suggestion from someone that is spending today quite some (personal) time in the Board and that would definitively like to see it more productive, transparent and focused on the actual educational needs of the children.

    I would also to invite you to attend the General Assembly that will take place on May 28 at 6:30 pm at the United Nations. More details will follow. In that session you will hear the results of the elections and more in general about the status of the school from a pedagogical, financial a,d organizational standpoint.

    Thank you for your attention
    Luigi Pierleoni

  • Scan of original document

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    Resignation Letter (1) - 2002-05-22

    Mr. Chairman,

    After mature reflection, I find myself obliged to terminate my mandate within the Governing Board of the International School of Geneva with immediate effect.

    The disclosure of questionable last minute activities in the context of the Governing Board elections no longer allows me to operate according to my own ethical standards. I can only feel sadness in reading about these matters and anger in observing once, again the inappropriate mixing of different areas of engagement as well as the confusion of levels of responsibility

    As I can no longer identify myself with the governing authorities of the School, I do not wish to be a burden to meetings where my own philosophy of the school influences neither the decisions nor the direction.

    My interpretation of the spirit of the Charter compels me to return to a position where I am free to hold my own opinion and make my own responses towards policies I can no longer agree with.

    Original Language:


    Monsieur John Boggs
    President du Conseil de Fondarion
    De l'Ecole Internationale de Geneve
    IATA Center
    Route de l'Aeroport 33
    P.O. BOX 416
    1215 Geneve 15

    Geneve, le 22 mai 2002.

    Concerne: mandat de membre du Conseil de Fondation de l'ecole Internationale de Geneve.

    Monsieur le President,

    Apres mure reflection, je me trouve dans l'obligation de mettre un terme a mon mandat au sein du Conseil de Fondation de l'Ecole Internationale de Geneve avec effet immediat.

    Les revelatons mettant on question des agissements de derniere heure dans le cadre des eleclions au Conseil de Fondation ne me permettent plus de fonctionner au niveau d'ethique qui est le mien. Je ne peux qu'eprouver de la tristesse en les lisant et de la colere en constatant une fois de plus le melange des genres, donc des niveaux de responsabilites.

    Ne me reconnaissant plus avec les instances dirigeantes de l'Ecole, je ne tiens pas a alourdir de ma presence des seances de travail ou la philosophie que ja me fais de l'Ecole n'influence ni les decisions, ni les orientations.

    Mon interpretation de l'esprit de la Charte me force a reprendre ma liberte d'opinion et d'agissements envers une politique qua je ne partage plus.

    Veulliez agreer, Monsieur le President, l'expression de mes salutations distinguees.

    Pierre-Alain Hirschy

    Cc: Valerie de Marnix
    Daniel Konikoff, chairman CDG - LGB

    47 chemin de la Seymaz CH 1253 Vandoeuvres/GE
    Tel 4122 349 47 62 Fax 4122 349 00 96

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    Internal Governing Board email - 2002-05-29

    ----- Original Message -----

    From: Philippe Holderbeke

    To: 'ISG-Pierre-Alain Hirschy'

    Sent: mercredi, 29. mai 2002 15:37

    Subject: Your resignation

    Pierre Alain,


    Your very public resignation from the Board days before the end of your mandate, and motivated by an issue where you never cared to contact the people directly involved, has shocked me. It was a cheap act and raises questions about your loyalties.



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    Resignation Letter - 2002/06/03

    Monsieur John Boggs
    Président du Conseil de Fondation
    De l'Ecole Internationale de Genève
    IATA Center
    33, route de l'Aéroport
    P.O. Box 416
    1215 Genève 15

    Genève, le 3 juin 2002

    Concerne : Mandat de membre du Conseil de Fondation de l'Ecole Internationale de Genève

    Cher John,

    Après mûre réflexion, et à regrêt, nous avons décidés de mettre un terme à nos mandats au sein du Conseil de Fondation de l'Ecole Internationale de Genève avec effet immédiat.

    Tout au long de cette année il nous est apparu de plus en plus clairement que notre conseil était divisé. Cette division ne reflète pas seulement une divergence d'opinion, ce qui est normal et même sain dans ce genre de forum. Au contraire, cette division reflète une profonde divergence quant à la perception de la philosophie même de l'école, de sa gestion dans un esprit de respect et de démocratie. Les récents et regrettables événements ne sont qu'un exemple parmi d'autres de cette dissenssion. Nous nous étions engagées à défendre cet esprit. Nous n'y sommes parvenues.

    Nous te remercions de ton dévouement et de tous tes efforts et te transmettons nos meilleurs sentiments.

    Constanza Vallenas
    Carol Panchaud
    Valérie de Marnix

    Cc : Membres du Conseil de Fondation
    Membres des CDG
    Membres de Conseil Administratif
    Membres des PTA

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    Letter Regarding Referendum Irregularities

    To: The community of the
    International School of Geneva

    From: The Committee of Concerned Members of the Community

    June 10th, 2002

    Re: Proposed June 2002 Ecolint referendum

    The above mentioned referendum, as organized by the current Governing Board, does not comply with the Statutes of the International School. This referendum, however, would have had certain merits had it been organized by the Nominations Committee, but in reality the Nominations Committee has not been involved at any stage of the procedure.

    1. Furthermore in the yellow paper distributed by the Board and dated June 6th, it is stated that, "This referendum will follow the rules and procedures used in postal voting for Board members." What is particularly appalling in this case, however, is that the Board, through selective identification of information, has in fact not adopted a neutral position at all.
    2. Moreover, owing to the fact that the Foundation is subject to Swiss law governing the conduct of referenda, the State (in this case read "the Board") is obliged to communicate, at the same time, the position of all concerned parties.
    3. The Board has used the administrative structure and the financial resources of the school exclusively for communicating its own position and has effectively excluded other sections of the school community from the general mailing. This has resulted in other legitimate and interested parties having to use their own private resources in order to make their voices heard.

    In the spirit of transparency, concerned members of the community invite you to consult the under mentioned Internet site, where documents and other information have been posted for your perusal. It is hoped that this will provide you with the wider picture and help you to make your decision.

    A: La Communauté de
    L'Ecole Internationale de Genève

    De: Committee of Concerned Members

    10 juin 2002

    Concerne: Référendum de juin 2002

    Le référendum sus-mentionné organisé par l'actuel Conseil de Fondation n'est pas prévu par les statuts de l'Ecole Internationale. Toutefois, ce référendum n'aurait pas été une mauvaise idée s'il avait été organisé par le comité des nominations. Mais en réalité ce comité n'a été impliqué à aucune des étapes de la procédure.

    1. De plus, dans le document jaune daté du 6 juin 2002 et distribué par le Conseil, on peut lire "Ce référendum suivra les règles de base et les procédures utilisées dans le vote par correspondance pour les membres du Conseil." Toutefois, ce qui est particulièrement choquant dans ce cas, c'est que le Conseil, par une utilisation sélective de l'information n'a pas adopté une position neutre.
    2. Bien plus, du fait que la Fondation est sujette au droit suisse qui régit les procédures de référendum, l'Etat ( en l'occurrence, le Conseil) est obligé de communiquer en même temps la position de toutes les parties concernées.
    3. Enfin, le Conseil a utilisé la structure administrative ainsi que les ressources financières de l'Ecole uniquement pour communiquer sa propre position et a délibérément exclu de cet envoi postal à l'ensemble de la Fondation les positions venant des différents autres groupes de la Communauté. En conséquence, les autres parties légitimement concernées ont du utiliser leurs ressources privées pour faire entendre leur voix.

    Dans un esprit de transparence, les Concerned Members of the Community vous invitent à consulter le site internet mentionné ci-dessous sur lequel vous trouverez les documents nécessaires à votre information. Nous espérons ainsi vous donner la possibilité d'avoir une vue aussi complète que possible de la situation et vous aider à prendre votre décision.

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    2002-05-29 by:
