Books by Genre
- Isabel of the Whales
- Hester Velmans
- Canvas Sunsets Never Fade
- Andre Frieden
- Killoyle, An Irish Farce
- The Great Pint-Pulling Olympiad
- Roger Boylan
- The Memory House
- Lucia Graves
A Crying Shame by Renate Dorrestein
- translated by Hester Velmans
Without Mercy by Renate Dorrestein
- translated by Hester Velmans
A Heart of Stone
- translated by Hester Velmans
- The Doomsday Report
- Rock Brynner
- Fiona
- Boadicea
- Jacqueline Richardson Burt

- In Her Own Words
- Jennifer McDermott
- Erotikon : Essays on Eros, Ancient and Modern
- Shadi Bartsch
Passionate Lives
- Elizabeth Claman
- Pacific Union
- Alexander Buzo
- Evening in Padang
- Linda Woolman Perry
- Mothers by Daughters
- Hester Velmans
- Danger
- Debbie Cymbalista
- Robert Graves: Complete Short Stories
- Edited by Lucia Graves
- A School for Nations
- Fredrika Tuttle Blair

- Ivan the Terrible
- Catherine the Great - A Short History
- Isabel de Madariaga
- Ideology in Cold Blood : A Reading of Lucan's Civil War
- Shadi Bartsch
- World Development Report 2004 - Making Services Work for Poor People
- Shantayanan Devarajan, Junaid Ahmad,
- Aid & Reform in Africa
- Shanta Devarajan
- The Mystery of Capital
- The Other Path
- Hernando de Soto
- The Currency of Ideas : Monetary Politics in the European Union
- Kathleen McNamara
- Vocation Créateurs
- Pascal Perez
- Living Networks
- Ross Dawson
- The Sugar Cane Industry
- Jock Galloway
- A Hanging in Detroit
- David Chardavoyne
- The European Parliament
- The Treaty of Maastricht
- The European Parliament's Role
in Closer EU Integration - Richard Corbett
- The Guerilla Dynasty : Politics and Leadership in North Korea
- Adrian Buzo
- War at the Top of the World>
- Eric Margolis
- Know-it-all Parents
- Lisa Cirieco and Lesley Williamson
- Scotch Missed : The Lost Distilleries of Scotland
- The Lost Distilleries of Ireland
- Brian Townsend
- Quaker Nantucket
- International Schools
- Robert Leach
- International Education : Principles and Practice
- George Walker
- Michael Pasternak
- Phil Thomas
- Belonging: Creating Community in the Classroom
- Mona Hajjar Halaby

- The Cache Memory Book
- Jim Handy
- The Dorling Kindersley Pocket Book of Dinosaurs
- A Look Inside Dinosaurs
- Neil Clark
- Inventing the 19th Century
- Inventing the 20th Century
- British Patents of Invention
- Stephen van Dulken
Dark Remedy: The Impact of Thalidomide and Its Revival as a Vital Medicine
- Rock Brynner
- Life on Mars
- David L. Chandler
- LSD--Still With Us After All These Years
- Leigh Henderson

- Mayhem; Violence as Public Entertainment
- Lying - Moral Choice in Public and Private Life
- Secrets : On the Ethics of Concealment and Revelation
- Common Values
- Sissela Myrdal Bok
- Le Ton Beau de Marot
- Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid
- The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul
- Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of
Mind and Pattern - Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thoughts
- Douglas Hofstadter
- The Three Questions: Prosperity & the Public Good
- Bob Rae

- One Shining Hour
- Susan Sweetser Clifford
- Long Way Back to the River Kwai
- Loet Velmans
- Headmaster by Chance
- William Oats
- A Woman Unknown - Voices from a Spanish Life
- Lucia Graves
- Alva Myrdal : A Daughter's Memoir
- Sissela Myrdal Bok
- It Doesn't Take a Hero
- Norman Schwarzkopf
- From Protest to Power
- Bob Rae
- Isadora : Portrait of the Artist As a Woman
- Fredrika Tuttle Blair
- Esteban Vicente
- Louise Bogan : A Portrait
- Jackson Pollock
- Elizabeth Frank
- Love, Jack
- Crawford
- Friends and Betrayers
- The Jack Wrangler Story
- Carl Johnes
- Yul : The Man Who Would Be King
- Rock Brynner
- Mia Farrow: A Memoir - What Falls Away
- edited by Rock Brynner
- Indira Gandhi (World Leaders Past and Present)
- by Francelia Butler

- Science and Astronomy
- David Chandler
- Sydney Morning Herald
- Alexander Buzo
- "Foreign Corresponent"
- Eric Margolis
- New York Times Book Review
- Noga Tarnopolzky
- 2004 Common Ground Award Winner
- Rami Khouri

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